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Amsterdam, 1 February 2024

Lindenbaum expands its antitrust litigation practice

By Stefan Tuinenga

Lindenbaum is pleased to announce that it is further expanding its antitrust litigation practice with the arrival of Simon Mineur (associate) and Niels Wessel (paralegal).

Antitrust litigation head Stefan Tuinenga commented: “We are very happy to have Simon and Niels on board to play an important role in our expanding practice. They are very talented lawyers who have a particular interest in antitrust damages litigation in the Netherlands and will greatly contribute with their expertise and unique perspectives”.

Simon has extensive experience in antitrust litigation, both on the defense as the plaintiff side. He worked at a large Dutch tier-one defense firm, before gaining broad in-house experience as legal counsel at a large multinational corporate. Simon commented: “I am very pleased with the opportunity to further develop my skills at Lindenbaum. Their strategic approach informed by vast experience and expertise will make a difference where it matters, and I am looking forward to playing my part in that.

Niels obtained a master’s degree in competition law and a bachelor’s degree in economics and business economics. His master’s thesis on the attractiveness of the Netherlands as a jurisdiction for antitrust damages cases was nominated for the best thesis award at the Dutch Mededingingscongres (competition conference). Niels commented: “I am delighted to become a part of the Lindenbaum team. Lindenbaum possesses outstanding litigation experience and expertise, and having the opportunity to work with them will have a profound effect on my further development.

Simon Mineur

Simon Mineur

Niels Wessel

Niels Wessel

Stefan Tuinenga

Partner, antitrust litigation expert


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